Heather L. Reid
The purpose of this project is to understand how Philostratus and others attempted to rehabilitate Greek athletics as a form of moral education in Imperial Rome. This understanding will be applied to the use of athletics in education today, with particular attention to the causes of its decline and the possibility of a more virtue-centered approach. The first product of this research will be my introduction and critical commentary on a new Italian translation of Philostratus’s Gymnasticus being coordinated by the University of Rome Foro Italico (Roma 4). The research will also become part of my project on kalokagathia, which explores the use of athletics as moral education in the ancient and modern worlds. Since Roma 4 is the most important training ground for coaches and physical education instructors in Italy, and since my previous work in the philosophy of sport is widely known and respected, this project helps to bridge the gap between ancient ideals and modern practices.