Banche dati & collezioni digitali

Magical Gem - Portrait of Commodus
Marcus Aurelius, late sixteenth–early seventeenth century Italy, sardonyx or onyx, 63.1 x 51.1 x 7 mm. Milton Weil Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art (found in the Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database)

Archaeology & Classical Art

Abbreviations of Frequently Cited Works in Archaeology

List of abbreviations for journals, series, lexica, and frequently cited works in the field of archaeological and classical studies : AJA ; Année philologique ; Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) : list of abbreviations and list of abbreviated journals, series etc. ; and Oxford Classical Dictionary.

Amphoras, Other Pottery, and Ancient Lamps

Some websites on the study of Greek and Roman amphoras, pottery, and lamps : Amphora Stamps of the Northern Black Sea ; Amphorae ex Hispania ; Amphoreus ; Ancient Lamps ; APE (Greek amphorae from Northern Pontus Euxinus) ; AVI (Attic Vase Inscriptions) ; CEAlex (Centre Alexandrin d’Étude des Amphores) ; Corpus of Attic vase inscriptions ; FACEM (Fabrics of the Central Mediterranean, on provenance studies on pottery) ; FARLI Ancient Pottery Database ; IARPotHP (International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period) ; (on defining the intellectual concepts of pottery) ; Opus doliare signatum (on finds from Rome, Ostia, and Central Italy) ; potsherd : Atlas of Roman pottery ; RCRF (Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, dedicated to Roman pottery) ; R.T.A.R. (Recueil de Timbres sur Amphores Romaines) ; SECAH (Sociedad de Estudios de la Cerámica Antigua en Hispania) ; Sfécag (Société Française d’Étude de la Céramique Antique en Gaule) ; the older Actes conference proceedings are accessible online) ; Terres d’Amphores.

This is a digital resource for locating and studying graffiti of the early Roman empire from the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

The Ancient Sculpture Association (ASA) is an international platform aiming to promote the study of ancient sculpture.

Aqueducts & water supply in Rome (and beyond)

DWhG (Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft) ; Frontinus-Gesellschaft (International Society for the History of Water, Energy and Piping Technology) ; ROMAQ (The Atlas Project of Roman Aqueducts) [...]

The image database of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) and the Archäologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln.

The Research Photographs archives of Princeton University. 

Within its special subject collection Classical Archaeology, the University Library of Heidelberg holds an extensive collection of archaeological literature of the sixteenth through the twentieth century, periodicals included. Many of these works are now digitized and available on internet.

Archeomar: The Archaeological Map of the Italian Seas, issued by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, aims to create a register of all the underwater archaeological sites along the coastlines of the regions of Italy, which today has now covered Calabria, Puglia, Basilicata, Campania, Lazio, and Tuscany.

Greek architectural terracottas : downloadable images from N.A. Winter, Greek Architectural Terracottas : From the Prehistoric to the End of the Archaic Period (Clarendon Press 1993), available in the Library. Etruscan and Central Italian architectural terracottas : Founded on a revised and updated version of the material in N.A. Winter, Symbols of Wealth and Power: Architectural Terracotta Decoration in Etruria and Central Italy 640-510 B.C. (MAAR Suppl.9, accessible via JSTOR), (Ann Arbour, 2009). The database includes also material down to the 2nd century B.C.

ARIADNE is a research infrastructure funded by the European Commission. It brings together and integrates existing archaeological research data infrastructures so that researchers can use the various distributed datasets and new and powerful technologies as an integral component of the archaeological research methodology. ARIADNE has been further developed and extended to ARIADNEplus, launched in 2019.

The project’s aim is to enhance our understanding of the physical process of working stone in the Roman period. The site provides information on monuments and sites, tools, materials, techniques of production, and more.

The official site on the excavations in the Athenian Agora conducted by the American School of Classical Studies. You may access the digitized excavation documentation (e.g., field notebooks, pottery notebooks, card catalog of objects, drawings).

Baths & bathing

BATH (BAlnea & THermae) : a website specialised in ancient baths and bathing habits ; [...]

The Beazley Archive contains the world’s largest collection of photographs of ancient Greek painted pottery. The Classical Art Research Center provides also other resources, among others, Sir John Beazley’s digitized notebooks.

Access to digital catalogues of the British Museum’s collections, among others, Naukratis: Greeks in Egypt or Roman Republican Coins. Click here to access the Portable Antiquities Scheme Website run by the British Museum and National Museum of Wales (on archaeological objects found by members of the public).

Named after the American scholar Campbell Bonner, the primary aim of this project is to bring the entire corpus of magical gems online in order to make them better accessible for both scholars and the public, and to facilitate their study through the potentials offered by a digital database.

The Centre Alexandrin d’Étude des Amphores (Alexandrian Centre for Amphora Studies) issues this database dedicated to the amphorae of Alexandria and the eastern Mediterranean, offering, among others, a searchable database for the matrices of stamps of Rhodian eponyms and producers and the amphora stamps of Delos.

The Classical Art Research Centre at the University of Oxford houses, among others, the Beazley Archive, which includes the world’s largest collection of images of ancient vase-painting.

Access to the Cleveland Museum of Art’s collection of Greek and Roman art.

The Comparative Archaeology Database of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Comparative Archaeology publishes primary archaeological data to complement more traditional means of publication, such as journals, collections of articles, and monographs (including those published by the center itself). The database thus works toward the preservation and dissemination of primary data recovered in fieldwork, a fundamental ethical responsibility in archaeology.

The Corpus of Ancient Sarcophagi was determined for collection and publication of sarcophagi of the Roman Empire by the DAI (German Archaeological Institute) in 1870. In cooperation with the DAI, the CoDArchLab (Arachne) takes part in the reconception of the Corpus of Ancient Sarcophagi.

The Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (CSIR) is an international academic enterprise begun over fifty years ago, aiming to document the immense sculptural heritage of the Roman Empire. These webpages are hosted by the Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford, on behalf of the International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC).

This resource contains approximately 250 out-of-print volumes of the CVA in a searchable digitized format. New fascicles may be added at the discretion of the publishing museums.

Maintained by Derek B. Counts, professor of Classical Art and Archaeology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Click here for databases of images and museums and click here for lists of open access resources for Cypriot studies. 

The Digital Cicognara Library is an international initiative to recreate in digital form the remarkable private book collection of Count Leopoldo Cicognara (1767–1834). Cicognara’s collection of some five thousand early imprints still comprises the foundational literature of art and archaeology.

The DYABOLA is a bibliography of literature on classical, early Christian, Byzantine, early Medieval, and ancient Middle Eastern art and archaeology and history. It provides citations for articles from over 1,100 scholarly journals, contributions to Festschriften, conference proceedings, and other collections; books; dissertations. The database covers publications from 1956 to the present and is updated monthly.

Fabrics of the Central Mediterranean (Facem) is a database for specialists of Greek, Punic, and Roman pottery, housed by the University of Vienna in Austria. The project’s aim is to give an overview of production centers in the central Mediterranean region by presenting images and descriptions of fabrics.

Fasti Online provides a searchable database of archaeological excavations since the year 2000.

Research database on all kinds of Roman gardens, from the Imperial Palace in Rome to larger and smal gardens in houses and more, empire-wide. The entries range from sites properly excavated to sites where gardens are suspected but not proven. For further information, visit the GRE website.

The GNA gathers data from archaeological surveys and excavations conducted on the Italian territory. The objective is a dynamic archaeological map of the national territory, easily implemented over time (open access). Issued by the ICA (Istituto Centrale di Archeologia).arc

Greece: Excavations, Archaeological Reports, News

Archaeology in Greece Online (managed jointly by the École française d’Athènes and the British School at Athens) combines the Chronique, published annually in the BCH by the EFA, and Archaeology in Greece, published as part of the annual Archaeological Reports by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies and the BSA.

Hellenistic Central Asia & Hellenistic Far East...

... and beyond : Bibliographia Iranica ; Hellenistic Central Asia Research Network seeks to promote collaboration between archaeologists, linguists and historians of Central Asia (posting conferences, calls for papers, and more) ; concerning the archaeology of Bactria, Sogdiana, Arachosia, and Gandhāra in the Period of the Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek Kingdoms: downloadable version of Mairs, Rachel, The Archaeology of the Hellenistic Far East, 2011, plus the annual Supplements 1 (2013) to 7 (2019) ; From Bactria to Taxila : a database of resources on Hellenistic and Imperial Central Asian Studies ; ; [...]

ICAR (Iconography and archaeology of pre-Roman Italy) assembles objects from pre-Roman Italy (Etruscan, Italic, and Italiote from the eighth century BC to the Hellenistic period) with figured scenes in a database (descriptions, photographs, drawings and modern engravings, and bibliographic documentation).

Images, photographs, visual material

ACOR Photo Archive ; Dan Diffendale's archaeological photographs ; NPAPH Project (Non-professional Archaeological Photographs Project) ; Princeton University, Research Photographsubi erat lupa ; [...]

The project, hosted at the Università degli Studi di Milano, aims at improving the knowledge of Roman economy and trade in the Western Mediterranean Sea (fourth century BC–first century AD), with particular focus on the production of pottery, including production centers, of wine and agricultural products, including the production structures, and on shipwrecks.

The Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA), founded in 1972, is the leading research institution for underwater archaeology. See the site for the INA's projects, publications, and more.

Instrumentum is a working group that comprises scholars interested in the crafts and industries of ancient Europe and the Mediterranean. The chronological scope covers the European Iron Age and the eras of Greek and Roman civilization, with some overlap into the late Bronze Age and the early Middle Ages.

The International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period (IARPotHP) is a consortium of international specialists in the field of hellenistic pottery with the goal to promote research and spread knowledge of this field. IARPotHP was founded in 2011 by a group of seven archaeologists from six countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, and the United States). It has its seat in Würzburg, Germany, and is an independent, nonprofit organization. IARPotHP presents an annual bibliography on hellenistic pottery (since 2012) and organizes conferences at regular intervals.

Mapping the Ancient Jewish World project (586 BCE–650 CE), focusing on the archaeological material. Department of History at the University of Haifa, Israel.

klinai is a research network and website dedicated to research on Magna Graecia, pre-Roman Italy, and Etruscology.

The Last Statues of Antiquity project (University of Oxford, R.R.R. Smith and Bryan Ward-Perkins) investigates all evidence for new statuary of the period circa 280–650 AD, as well as the slow decline (and eventual death) of the ancient statue-habit. The searchable database of the published evidence for statuary and inscribed statue bases set up after AD 284, that were new, newly dedicated, or newly re-worked, was completed and made public in May 2012 (with only some minor revisions thereafter). The book Last Statues of Antiquity has been published, too (available in the AAR Library).

Access to the digital resources of the Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC) on ancient iconography : LIMCicon contains data relating to Graeco-Roman monuments and documents. LIMCbiblio contains bibliographic data to complete the bibliographies published in the LIMC volumes. See also for a huge amount of related documents and photograph ; and iconiclimc (the database of the Fondation pour le LIMC).

Limes & Roman frontier studies

Antonine Wall ; Danube Limes in Croatia ; Danube Limes in Serbia ; Deutsche Limeskommission (see also the journal Nachrichtenblatt der DLK, open access) ; Deutsche Limesstrasse ; Hadrian's Wall ; Limes in Nederland ; Limes in Österreich ; limesromania ; [...]. The volumes of the monographic series 'Frontiers of the Roman Empire' (archeopress) are available open access.

Maritime and nautical archaeology resources

Adriaticum mare ; ancient ports antiquesarcheologia subacquea ; atlas PALM (Atlas du patrimonie archéologique littoral méditerranéen); benthos : digital atlas of ancient waters ; immensa aequora ; INA (Institute of Nautical Archaeology) ; MedPorts : ancient Mediterranean ports ; NAVIS I, NAVIS II, NAVIS III ; ramppa : fishing and fish-canning industry in antiquity ; [...]

The platform gives access to the vast collection of icons, manuscripts, and liturgical objects from the Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai, bringing together the archive material from the Michigan-Princeton-Alexandria-Expeditions to Sinai in the 50ies and 60ies.

Museum Collections

Acropolis Museum, Athens ; BnF : Bibliothèque nationale de France, médailles & et antiques ; the British Museum, London ; Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens ; the Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio ; Cornell University Library's collections of antiquities ; the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge ; J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles ; Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, Baltimore ; Louvre, Paris ; The Met NY : Greek & Roman Art ; Musei Capitolini, Rome ; Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze: Aegean collections ; Rijksmuseum van oudheiden, Amsterdam ; Rijksmuseum van oudheiden, Leiden ; Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel ; Staatliche Museen, Antikensammlung, Berlin: sculpture, ancient bronzes ; Uffizi, Florence ; Ure Museum of Greek antiquities, University of Reading ; The Walters Art Museum : Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire [...].

NAVIS I and NAVIS II are databases on the archaeology of ships, shipwrecks, and nautical archaeology. NAVIS III is a database on Roman coins with depiction of ships (run by the RGZM).

Nestor is an international bibliography of Aegean studies, Homeric society, Indo-European linguistics, and related fields. Issued by the Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati.  

The NPAPH (Non-Professional Archaeological Photographs) project, an international collaboration, has the aim to preserve nonprofessional documentation of archaeological campaigns (prior to the 1980s) to the future and make it accessible to the public via digital archives.

Some antiquities went through true journeys, buried for centuries before being discovered, sold, given, from collections to collections to the display cases of current museums. A patient work about their auctions makes it possible to find today these crossed stories. Issued by the INHA (Institut national d'histoire de l'art) and the Louvre.

Ostia Forum Project is the website of the ongoing excavations and surveys at Ostia carried out by a team of archaeologists and scientists at the Humboldt-Universität (Berlin) and the continuation of the joint blog of the Kent-Berlin-Ostia excavations since 2008, in cooperation with the Superintendency of Rome. Contains many and up-to-date information and data regarding Ostia.

The site Ostia: Harbour City of Ancient Rome offers useful material, clickable plans, images, descriptions, and many more.

Accessible to the AAR community. For a complete overview on the AAR Library’s subscription, see below.

At Aarhus University, led by Prof. Dr R. Raja. 

Daniel P. Diffendale, FAAR '20, is a Mediterranean archaeologist whose interests lie primarily in the first millennium BCE central Mediterranean. Since April 2007, he has shared his photographs in open access via Flickr. His over 10 000 photos are now widely used by scholars, either for their courses or for their publications.

APN (Ancient Polychromy Network) ; Golden edition of Gods in Color, a project of the Liebieghaus in Frankfurt (see also here) ; Trackingcolour : project at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (see also here) ; [...]

Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Vesuvian Area Resources

Boscoreale and Boscotrecase: Centro Studi Archeologici.
Herculaneum: AGP (Ancient Graffiti Project) ; MAV (Museo Archeologico Virtuale) ; Parco Archeologico di Ercolano (official site) ; and the Friends of Herculaneum Society.
Pompei: AGP (Ancient Graffiti Project) ; Blogging Pompeii ; PALP (Pompeii Artistic Landscape Project ; PARP: PS (Pompeii Archaeological Research Project : Porta Stabia) ; PBMP (Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project) ; Pompeiiinpictures ; pompeiisites, provided by the Soprintendenza Speciale Beni Archeologici Pompei—Ercolano—Stabia. The project itself aims at the protection and enhancement of the Pompeii Archaeological Area, and its official website offers many data and downloadable documents related to the ancient towns in the Vesuvio area. Click here for a virtual tour ; PQP (Pompeii Quadriporticus Project) ; and Soprintendenza Archeologia della Campania and Polo museale della Campania.

Regional Studies: Ancient Near East & Levant

ARWA : The International Association for Archaeological Research in Western & Central Asia ; BATHS : Database of Roman to Early Islamic Bathhouses of Iudaea / Syria-Palaestina and Provincia Arabia ; Bibliographia iranica ; the CBRL provides access to monographs on research in and on Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus ; see also the CBRL Bulletin ; EAMENA (Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa ; Holy Land : A digital corpus of early Christian churches and monasteries in the Holy Land ; IIP (Inscriptions from Israel / Palestine) ; Palmyra excavations archive (Aarhus) ; patrimonie Proche-Orient ; sasanika : late antique Near East project ; YDEA (Yale digital Dura Europos Archive) [...]

Regional Studies: Asia Minor

Some websites and databases, including projects and their publications, on various sites in Asia Minor: Anatolian Atlas ; Anatolian Roads Project ; EDAK (Epigraphische Datenbank zum Antiken Kleinasien) ; eDiAna (Digital philological-etymological dictionary of the minor ancient Anatolian corpus languages) ; ICG (Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae: a database of early Christian inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece) ; MAMA XI (Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI, on Phrygia and Lykaonia) ; RRMAM (Roman Roads and Milestones of Asia Minor) ; Sardis : the archaeological exploration of Sardis, digital resource center ; TINA (The Turkish Foundation for Underwater Archaeology) ; [...].

Regional Studies: Black Sea Area

Some websites and digital collections concerning archaeological and historical research in the Black Sea region in classical antiquity : Amphora Stamps of the Northern Black Sea ; APE (Greek Amphorae from Northern Pontus Euxinus) ; BCOSPE (Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini) ; IOSPE (Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae = Ancient inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea) ; Pontos (the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Black Sea Studies) provides many resources ; Spartokos a lu gathers links about open access monographs, e-journals, provides bibliographies, presents new publications and informs about new discoveries and conferences.
To access the Journal of Institute of Black Sea Studies (issued by KAREN, the Institute of Black Sea Studies, Trabzon, Turkey), click here.

Regional Studies: Danube provinces

Danubian religion : Roman religious comunication in the Danubian provinces during the principate ; Danubius project : Ecclesiastical Organisation and Christian Topography of the Lower Danube during Late Antiquity (3rd–8th Centuries AD) ; Limes : Danube Limes in Croatia ; [...]

Regional Studies: Egypt in Greco-Roman times

LAREGRE : Latin relics in a Greek east [...]

Regional Studies: Greece

For Athens and Attical see below. Some websites and digital collections on archaeological and historical research in Greece : Archaeology in Greece online (EFA, the École française d'Athènes jointly with the BSA, the British School at Athens) ; archetai (the Archaeological Society at Athens) ; AXON (Greek historical inscriptions) ; BSA (The British School at Athens) digital collections ; Chypre (French excavations at Kition and Salamis on Cyprus) ; Corinth (excavations of the ASCSA) ; Corinthian matters ; DOL (Dodona OnLine) ; ESAG (archaeological reports of the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece (Eretria, Amarynthos, else) ; ICG (Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae) ; Iklaina archaeological project ; INSTAP SCEC (Study Center for East Crete) ; Isthmia (excavations by the University of Chicago and by Michigan State University ) ; Koutsonglia, Kenchreai (Greek-American excavation project) plus the Kenchreai ceramic catalog ; Kyprios character (on archaeology, history, numismatics of Ancient Cyprus ; Lefkandi (excavations by the BSA) ; Marmor Parium (digital marmor parium) ; Nemea Center for classical archaeology ; Olympia (Grabungsgeschichte(n) : diaries of the excavations 1875 and 1876) ; Olynthos (excavations, jointly by the University of Liverpool and the University of Michigan ) ; Samothrace (excavations) ; the Sikyon project ; [...]

Regional Studies: Greece : Athens & Attika

Some websites and digital resources on archaeological and historical research on Athens and Attica : AIO (Attic Inscriptions online) ; Ancient Athens3D ; Athenian Agora excavations (ASCSA, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens) ; the Athenians Project (prosopography) ; Athens Western Hills ; Attica : Karten von Attika in the Era of Digital Humanities ; AVI (Attic Vase Insrciptions) ; Corpus of Attic vase inscriptions ; the epigraphic landscape of Athens (focusing on the relationship between public inscriptions and urban space) ; Mapping Ancient Athens (and see also the other projects by DIPYLON) ; NAM (Network of Museums & Cultural Organisations in the Historic Center of Athens, offering access to various resources and publications) ; RAP (Roman Attica Project) [...]

Regional Studies: Iberian Peninsula

Some websites and databases on the Iberian Peninsula in Roman and Pre-Roman times : ADOPIA (Atlas digital onomastique de la Péninsule Ibérique antique) ; Toletum : Red para la investigación sobre la Península Ibérica en la Antigüedad ; [...]

Regional Studies: North Africa

Research on various aspects of North Africa in Greek and Roman times (issued by various institutions) : BAAA (Bibliographie analytique de l’Afrique antique, issued by the EFR) ; the BILNAS (British Institute for Libyan & Northern African Studies) provides access to numerous ebooks ; EAMENA (Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa) ; IGCyr (Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica) and GVCyr (Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica) ; InsLib (Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania) ; IRCyr (Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica) ; Rus Africum: Thugga Survey ; SIRAR (Sylloge inscriptionum religionis Africae Romanae) [...].

Regional Studies: Provinces, Northwest

Some websites and databases on the Northwest Provinces of the Roman Empire, such as Gallia or Germania : AGER (Association du Monde Gallo-Romain) : [...]

Roman Finds Group, founded in 1987, provides a forum for all those interested in Roman artifacts. News on conferences, seminars, calls for papers, exhibitions, finds, and more.


Some maps and digital topographic material on the ciy of Rome in classical antiquity, created by various authors or institutions: Anteiquae Urbis Imago (Pirro Ligorio, 1773 edition) ; Carta Archeologica di Roma, issued by the superindendency (the site links also to many additional material, such as excavation documents and archival material) ; DescriptioRomae, based on the Catasto Urbano Pio Gregoriano ; Digitale Topographie der Stadt Rom ; FastiOnline ; Images of Rome : the Rodolfo Lanciani Archive ; (maps from various times and many other material) ; the Interactive Nolli Map ; Linking Evidence ; Mapping the Via Appia ; Paths through Rome, focusing on the structural organization of Rome’s urban space in the travel literature from the seventh to the sixteenth century (topoi) ; Rome: Cities in Text, focusing on travel literature (University of Notre Dame) ; SITAR : Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma ; the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae ; the Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project ; and VirtualRome. For further information, see the websites.

Several projects and digital topographic material or reconstructions of the Forum Romanum and the Imperial Fora: Digital Roman Forum (UCLA, CVR Lab), Digitales Forum Romanum (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin), the Forum of Trajan (UCLA), Trajan’s Column (images generated by and for the sculptor Peter Rockwell).

Database to the brick stamps of the imperial residences on the Palatine Hill in Rome, complementing the artice in the journal RM 121, 2015, 311-482. The current collection consists of 940 stamps, of which 599 were found in situ and 349 out of context. Issued by the DAI.

Since 2009, the Department of Classical Archaeology of the Radboud University Nijmegen has started a field work project (in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, the VU University Amsterdam, and the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma), aiming at a thorough inventory and analysis of the Roman interventions in their suburban landscape.

This archive collects 3D models of the Roman cemetery along the Via Ostiense in Rome. The total station survey records the basic outline of the structures, important features (such as earthquake damage), and references the virtual 3D model to the real world. This project is developed by Dorian Borbonus, FAAR '17.

The ADA (Archivio di Documentazione Archeologica/Archaeological Data Archives), developed in and by the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, gives access to document sources on Roman archaeology and history, in particular the excavations in the city of Rome in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The “Giornali degli scavi” archival documents, 1873–1935, are fully digitized and accessible online.

Proceedings of the conferences organized by the Société Française d’Étude de la Céramique Antique en Gaule (SFECAG). Several older volumes are downloadable as PDF files; click here for the table of contents of all volumes and here to perform simple or combined search in the volumes.

Textile research

textile-dates : A database on radiocarbon dated and historical-dated textiles (first millennium BC and AD). Run by the Abteilung Christliche Archäologie der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn ; further info on the project Kontextil. See additionally the ATN/ATR (Archaeological Textiles Newsletter, since 2012: Archaeological Textiles Review) volumes, issued by the CTR (Centre for Textile Research), University of Copenhagen. See further ARTEX (Hellenistic Center for research and conservation of archaeological textiles), that publishes also the specialized journal Arachne, the TCR (Textile Research Centre, Leiden), and CIETA (Centre international d’etude des textiles anciens, Lyon), offering a wealth of resoures on historical textiles research.

A digital catalog of Dumbarton Oaks' collection of Byzantine and early Islamic textiles, ranging from the 2nd to the 17th centuries, from Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indian subcontinent, and the Byzantine heartlands. 

Theaters & Amphitheaters in the Roman Empire

A searchable database for theaters and amphitheaters in the Roman Empire. Issued by Landesarchäologie Mainz (Germany). Check also the Ancient Theatre Archive (on Greek and Roman theater architecture) ; Italian Theatres ; Roman amphitheater map and data browser ; and THEATRA (critical bibliography, events, conferences, descriptions and other useful resorces) ; [...]

Database of images of Roman monuments. More than 32,479 objects, all areas of the Roman Empire. 

The Virtual World Heritage Laboratory (VWHL), based in in the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing, in collaboration with partners at the Politecnico di Milano and the University of Florence is digitizing in 3D the complete collection of Greek and Roman sculpture in the Uffizi, Pitti Palace, and Boboli Gardens on behalf of the Gallerie degli Uffizi.

Urbanism, cities and towns, settlements in ancient times

Urbanism in ancient times, cities and towns, settlements in Graeco-Roman antiquity : some resources : The Catalog of Ancient Coastal Settlements, Ports, and Harbours ; Journal of Urban Archaeology ; ROMURBITAL (Roman period urbanism on the Italian Peninsula) ; Rural settlements of Roman Britain database ; Urbanism and the Roman world (AD 14-284) ; UrbNet : Centre for Urban Network Evolutions, Aarhus University (Denmark) plus their Annual reports ; [...]

Photographs of many sites (ancient and later) in Rome.

Digital Hadrian’s Villa Project: the Virtual World Heritage Laboratory created a 3D digital model of Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli. This site provides access to the model and many other information and features regarding the villa.

DAI’s bibliographic database for archaeology.

The Deutsches Archäologisches Institut has digitized a part of its valuable collection.


Abbreviations of Frequently Used Works in Classical Studies

Consult the following authoritative lists of abbreviations : APh (Année philologique) ; DGE (Diccionario griego-español) ; LSJ (Liddell Scott Jones) ; OCD (Oxford Classical Dictionary) ; OLD (Oxford Latin Dictionary) ; ThLL (Thesaurus Linguae Latinae).

Focusing on parts of the body, anatomical votive objects, cosmetics, and more in the ancient world.

AFS informs about news in the field of ancient fable studies (events, conferences, workshops ; bibliographies, research projects, else).

The site produces original content pieces, reviews books, interviews scholars of note on past and future projects, discusses contemporary issues, and creates a community of engaged readers with digital and in person discussion and book groups.

An initiative of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University.

L’APh, an index to scholarly work in fields related to the language, literature, history, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome, is the standard bibliographical tool for research in classical studies. Access to the online version (AAR only).

APGRD : Archive of performances of Greek and Roman drama, a research project based at the Classics Faculty at the University of Oxford. On the performance of classical texts, in any medium and any period. 

Aristarchus is a website that provides access to a set of tools for research and teaching in the subject area of Greek and Latin ancient world.

Associations in the Greek and Roman world

AGRW (Associations in the Greco-Roman world, by Philip Harland) ; Ghent database of Roman guilds ; Inventory of ancient associations (approx. 500 BC–AD 300, provides information on locations, members, terms of membership, activities, built and visual spaces, epigraphical evidence and much more ; hosted by the University of Copenhagen) ; [...]

Benthos : Digital atlas of ancient waters, an initiative of the AWMC (Ancient World Mapping Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).

Jacques Poucet’s comprehensive bibliographic guide to classics.

The Catalogus Philologorum Classicorum (CPhCl), an international network, is an encyclopedic lexicon collecting the bio-bibliographical data about classicists.

CRSN aims to facilitate the exchange of information and to encourage collaboration in the field of classical reception studies, on a global scale. 

Classical scholars : some databases

CPhCl (Catalogus philologorum classicorum) ; DBCS (Database of Classical Scholars) ; propylaeum VITAE (a biographical database) ; WOAH (Women of Ancient History) ; [...]

Classics : professional associations, coalitions, groups, communities of interest...

Asterion : neurodiversity in Classics ; Cripantiquity (advocacy organization for disabled and neurodivergent students, teachers, scholars, staff, artists, writers in ancient studies) ; The Disability History Association ; LCC : Lambda Classical Caucus (a coalition of queer Classicists and allies) ; Mountaintop Coalition (shared interest : advancing the professional goals of Classicists who identify as members of ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in the field) ; MRECC (Multiculturalism, race & ethnicity in Classics consortium) ; SCS (Society for Classical Studies) ; WCC (Women's Classical Caucus) ; workingclassclassicists : The Network for Working-Class Classicists ; Working Classicists [...]

Classics blogs

A don’s life (Mary Beard) ; adventures in my head (Liv Mariah Yarrow) ; Alin Suciu (patristics, apocrypha, coptic literature, manuscripts) ; Antigone : an open forum for classics in the twenty-first century ; antiquipop : antiquity, pop, culture & politics (on ancient Egyptian and classical reception in pop culture & politics) ; AWOL ; c&c (classics & class : a people’s history of classics) ; classically inclined (Liz Gloyn) ; classics and social justice ; Classics at the intersections (Rebecca Futo Kennedy) ; classicslibrarians ; ECS  Early Christian Studies () ; eidolon ; endoxa : an ancient Greek and Roman philosophy blog ; Ethnic relations & migrations in the Ancient World (Philip A. Harland) ; explorator ; faces & voices (Roberta Mazza) ; Following Hadrian (Carole Raddato) ; History from Below (Sarah E. Bond) ; it’s all Greek to me (Anna P. Judson) ; latinNOW (with a main focus on the Latinization of the north-western Roman provinces) ; lugubelinus (Llewelyn Morgan) ; manuscriptevidence ; MYTHLAB blog ; MythTakes (Donna Zuckerberg) ; notes from the apotheke : a blog about being BIPOC in Classics (Nadhira Hill) ; on pre-Roman Italy (Katherine McDonald) ; On Roman religion (Csaba Szabó) ; Reading, Writing, Romans (Ashmolean Museum) ; rogueclassicism ; Roman Times ; SASA (Save Ancient Studies Alliance) ; SCS blog (Society for Classical Studies) ; sententiae antiquae ; Dr Sophie Hay’s blog ; The partial historians (Dr F. Radford & Dr P. Greenfield) ; the queer classicist ; sphinx (Neville Morley) the stoa ; trowelblazers (on women in archaeology) ; WCC blog (women’s classical commitee, UK) [...]

Classics: Greek and Latin Texts

Bibliotheca Augustana ; Chicago Homer ; Dickinson College Commentaries ; DFHG (Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum) ; Digital Athenaeus ; Digital Latin Library ; First-One-Thousand-Years-of-Greek-Project ; Greek & Latin texts with facing vocabulary and commentary (G. Steadman) Internet Ancient History Source Book ; Lace: Greek OCR ; Late Antiquity : Biblioteca digitale di testi latini tardoantichi ; the Latin Library ; Loeb Classical Library (AAR only) plus “Loebulus” (public-domain Loebs) ; Open Greek and Latin Project ; Perseus Digital Library ; PHI Classical Latin Texts ; Tesserae ; and Theoi Classical Texts (classical mythology). Issued by various institutions, for further information see the according site.

The CHAP database inventorises all historiographical works of Late Antiquity (300 until 800 AD) in Latin, Greek, Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Arabic, Coptic and, to a lesser extent, Hebrew, Aramaic and Persian. Open access. 

On agonistic networks in the ancient, postclassical world (300 BC-AD 300). Hosted by the University of Groningen.

The site provides online access to the volumes currently out of copyright of Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL). This digitized version of the CIL will initially comprise the more than fifty parts (vols. I–XVI + auctaria and v. I, editio altera) published before 1940 and be made accessible in Arachne, the central object database of the German Archaeological Institute and the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne. Digital CIL is a joint project of the American Academy in Rome, l’École française de Rome, and the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.

The CMG, run by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, features an extensive collection of films and photocopies of ancient medical manuscripts in Greek, Latin and Arabic; these materials have been made accessible to foreign project collaborators for use in preparing their editions. Many of the editions are accessible online; furthermore, there are concordances (to Kühn or Littré), the Diels Manuscript Catalog and up-to-date bibliographies. Additionally, the CMG site offers research tools and news in the field of ancient medicine.

Curse Tablets

Curses in context ; Curse tablets of Roman Britain ; Tabella defixionis project ; TheDefix (Thesaurus defixionum) ; TheDeMa (Thesaurus defixionum Magdeburgensis); [...]

The Database of Classical Scholars, a work of international cooperation, is a database that aims to provide biographical and bibliographical information on classical scholars from the period associated with classical scholarship as currently understood, from the end of the eighteenth century and the publication of F. A. Wolf’s Prolegomena zu Homer (1795) to the current day.

The DPhA is devoted to philosophers and important witnesses of the Greek and Roman philosophical tradition, from the Presocratics of the 6th century BC to the late Neoplatonists of the 6th century AD. The articles, prepared by French and foreign scholars, make use not only of literary sources, but also of inscriptions and papyri. In total, 236 editors from 20 different countries have contributed to this unique and large-scale enterprise, which started its first  printed volume in 1989 and consists of seven volumes -- including a fifth volume in two parts -- and a supplement. AAR only.

The Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (DFHG) offers an easier and deeper access to the Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (FHG).

Economy in Graeco-Roman Times

EPNet (Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire : Economic and political dynamics) ; GEI (Greek economic inscriptions) ; Oxrep (The Oxford Roman Economy Project) ; PATRIMONIVM (geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world) ; Project Mercury (computational modelling in Roman economy studies) ; Trapezites (ancient currency conversion website and marketplace simulation) ; [...]

Epigraphy Resources

Some sites on epigraphic material, issued by various institutions: AIEGL (Association Internationale d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine) ; AVI (Attic Vase Inscriptions) ; CoDE (Center of Digital Epigraphy) ; the site Current Epigraphy lists conferences, workshops, lectures, and links ; DPRR (Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic, King’s College) ; DUCTUS (Association internationale pour l'étude des inscriptions mineures) ; EAGLE (Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy) ; EDCS (Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby) ; EDH (Epigraphic Database Heidelberg) ; europeana — eagle project ; the epigraphic landscape of Athens (focusing on the relationship between public inscriptions and urban space in ancient Athens) ; EpRom (Epigraphica Romana) ; IGLS (Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie) ; PETRAE (Institut Ausonius, France) ; PHI (Packard Humanities Institute searchable database) ; PPRET inscriptions (inscriptions pertaining to the praetorian praefects, 284-395 AD) ; Saxa loquuntur ; and the US Epigraphy Project.
See also the collection of corpora and the collection of squeezes in the entries below.

Epigraphy: Inscription Corpora, Latin and Greek

AIO (Attic Inscriptions Online) ; AshLi (online catalog of the Latin inscriptions in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) ; AXON : Greek historical inscriptions ; BDRICO (I bolli doliari romani dell'Italia centro-orientale, Eva Margareta Steinby) ; Carmina Latina epigraphica Galliae and Hispaniae ; CEIPoM (Corpus of the epigraphy of the Italian Peninsula in the 1st millennium BCE, covering Messapic, Venetic, Sabellic languages and epigraphic Latin up to about 100 BCE) ; CII (Cretan institutional inscriptions) ; CIL : digitized volumes of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum and the official CIL site of the BBAW ; Corpus of Attic vase inscriptions ; CPI (Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions) ; DB (Epigraphic Database Bari, specialized in Christian inscriptions of Rome) ; DOL (Dodona OnLine) ; EDAK (Epigraphische Datenbank zum Antiken Kleinasien) ; EDF : epigraphic database FALSAE ; EDR (Epigraphic Database Roma) plus Italia Epigrafica Digitale ; epigraphia3D : inscriptions in the Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Mérida and the Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid ; epigraphica 3.0 : corpus of the inscriptions of the province of Ourense, Spain ; GVCyr (Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica), IGCyr (Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica) and IGCyr2 (second edition) ; HepOnl (Hispania Epigraphica Online) plus Hispania epigraphica (periodical publication) ; ICG (Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae) ; IG (Inscriptiones Graecae) ; InsAph (Inscriptions of Aphrodisias, including the late Roman and Byzantine inscriptions) ; InsLib (Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania) ; Inscriptions of Israel / Palestine, 500 BCE to 614 AD (Brown University) ; IOSPE (Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea) ; IRCyr (Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica) ; I.Sicily ; RIB online (volume I of The Roman Inscriptions of Britain by R. G. Collingwood and R. P. Wright (1955) plus the addenda and corrigenda) ; SIRAR (Sylloge inscriptionum religionis Africae Romanae) ;Telamon (ancient Greek inscriptions from Bulgaria) ; WPAIP (Wisconsin Palmyrene Aramaic Inscription Project). For further information, please consult the individual sites.

Epigraphy: Squeezes

CSAD Squeeze collection ; e-stampages : the squeezes from various excavation sites of the EFA ; Krateros : the squeeze collection at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton ; McGregor Squeeze Collection (University of British Columbia) ; Venice Squeeze Project : squeeze collection of the Laboratorio di Epigrafia Greca dell'Università Ca' Foscari, Venice.

EPNet (Production and Distribution of Food during the Roman Empire: Economic and Political Dynamics) is an ERC Advanced Grant project and intends to set up an innovative framework to investigate the political and economical mechanisms that characterised the dynamics of the commercial trade system during the Roman Empire. For further information (goals, publications, else), please visit the website.

FragTag1 is a database on the life and fragmentary works of 45 Greek tragedians of the 6th and 5th centuries BC (University of Patras, Greece ; open access). 

The project, pursued by a research team at Utrecht University, aims to explore Galen’s theory of human nature from a variety of relevant aspects: physiological, psychological, moral, philosophical, and religious.

Gender Studies

Diotíma : a resource for information in women, gender, sex, sexualities, and more as well as intersections among these in the ancient Mediterranean world. EuGeStA is an international network which brings together scholars working on gender studies in different disciplines of classical antiquity (language and literature, philosophy, history, art history, history of religion, law, medicine and more), providing a lot of useful resources. See also the open access journal EuGeStA ; Women in antiquity ; [...]

Bibliographic database for classical antiquity. Selections from the CD-ROM version. By Jürgen Malitz, Katholische Universität Eichstätt.

Grammatici disiecti : Fragmentary sources for the history of Latin grammar is a research blog dedicated to gathering, for the first time, all Latin grammatical texts which are preserved exclusively in fragmentary form. 

Greek and Roman religion : some resources

CGRN : Collection of Greek ritual norms ; Roman domestic religion (Robyn Copper) with a database of domestic cult spaces ; SAMR : Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions ; [...]

Late Antiquity resources

CHAP : Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris, a database inventorising all historiographical works of Late Antiquity (300 to 800 AD approx.) in Latin, Greek, Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Arabic, Coptic, and, to a lesser extent, Hebrew, Aramaic and Persian (Ghent University) ; Clerical Exile in Late Antiquity (325-600), explores the legal circumstances, experiences, social connections, spatial worlds, memory of to date 497 exile cases, 1176 persons / groups, and 442 locations ; CLA : connecting late antiquities (prosopographical database, 3rd to 7th centuries) ; The Cult of Saints (from its origins to circa AD 700) ; digilibLT : Biblioteca digitale di testi latini tardoantichi ; Late Antiquity : Lectures on religion and culture by leading scholars (compiled by TARA) ; LSA : The Last Statues of Antiquity database ; Studi Tardoantichi ; THAT : Textes pour l’histoire de l’antiquité tardive [...]

Law, Greek & Roman

Nomoi : A bibliographical website for the study of ancient Greek law ; Projet VolterraRoman law resources ; [...]

The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN) was established to collect and publish all ancient Greek personal names, drawing on the full range of written sources from the eighth century BC to the late Roman Empire, plus the supplenent LGPN-Ling. See also the up-to-date site Athenian Onomasticon.

The complete digital Loeb Classical Library is fully accessible via the Library’s subscription. More than 520 volumes of Latin and Greek texts with English translation are available in a modern and elegant interface, allowing readers to browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content. Furthermore, new Loeb editions are added twice a year. Additionally, the 275 public domain Loebs are freely available through this list of downLOEBable Loeb volumes.

This alphabetical author index aims at locating hard-to-find texts and fragments in the Loeb Classical Library.

Ludus and Locus ludi are databases on ancient boardgames, providing a wide range of resources (bibliographies, dictionaries, iconographical databases, information on conferences, exhibitions, and more). A project at the Université de Fribourg. See also the digital luderne project (Maastricht Universiity).

Magic in Greece and Rome

Some resources on magic : CBD (Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database) ; CENOB (Corpus des énoncés barbares : multilingual database (Latin, Greek, Demotic, Coptic, Syriac, Hebrew, Aramaic) of onomata barbara) ; Charaktêres (on magical signs) ; Coptic magical papyri ; Curse tablets of Roman Britain ; Curses in context ; Kyprianos database of ancient ritual texts ; LMPG (online version of Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos, anejo 5 of DGE) ; Magia agressiva nel mondo antico ; ML (Magica Levantina) ; Tabella defixionis project ; TheDefix ; TMmagic ; To zodion ; Transmission of magical knowledge in antiquity ; [...]

Covering the time span from 586 BCE to 650 CE, aims to construct an interactive mapping of the archaeological findings and the literary evidence about Jews around the world.

Medicine, healing, and the body in the Ancient World

Several databases and digital collections on Greek & Roman medicine, healing, the body and more : Ancient Anatomies ; Ancient Medicine ; CMG (Corpus medicorum Graecorum / Latinorum) ; Genitalia & co. : Representing genitalia in the Ancient Mediterranean ; medicine in Greco-Roman Egypt ; Disability history and the Ancient World ; Galen Project ; Medicalia online ; [...]

Music in Graeco-Roman Times

Ancient Greek Music : the site contains ll published fragments of Ancient Greek music with sound samples. 
MOISA (International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and Its Cultural Heritage) provides information on meetings and conferences, seminars, bibliography, and more.
The Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song, on the study of archaic and classical lyric, elegiac and iambic poetry. 
Check also the project on Creation of Functional Replica Roman and Late Antique Musical Instruments (E. Swift & L. Bosworth & al).

This network aims to promote the exchange of information and ideas between scholars engaged in the study of archaic and classical lyric, elegiac, and iambic poetry.

The New Surveys in the Classics are a series of short books dedicated to key themes and concepts in the classical world. They deal with a wide range of topics, from key figures like Homer and Virgil to subjects such as Greek tragedy, thought and science, women, slavery, Roman religion, and satire. The AAR Library’s online subscription covers C. Steel, Roman Oratory (2006), N. J. Lowe, Comedy (2007), N. Livingstone and G. Nisbet, Epigram (2008), D. Spencer, Roman Landscape (2009), the second edition of B. A. Sparkes, Greek Art (2010), the second edition of R. Rutherford, Homer (2011), S. Harrison, Horace (2012), P. Gainsford, Early Greek Hexameter Poetry (2013), P.J. Finglass, Sophocles (2014), M. Bonazzi, The Sophists (2015), the second edition of J. N. Bremmer, Greek religion (2016), G. Roskam, Plutarch (2017). The volumes prior to 2006 are available in the library.

Numismatics Resources

AFE (Antike Fundmünzen in Europa, issued by the RGK and the DAI) ; AGCO (Antigonid coins online) ; ANS (American Numismatic Society) with MANTIS, the database of its collections and the Digital Library ; the Badian Collection (at Rutgers University) ; CoinHoards (Greek coin hoards) ; CHRE : Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire (Oxford University) CHRR : Coin Hoards of the Roman Republic ; CNT (Corpus Nummorum Thracorum, issued by the BBAW and the MK-B) ; CRRO (Coinage of the Roman Republic Online, an online version of Crawford’s RRC 1974) ; DIANA (Digital Iconographic Atlas of Numismatics in Antiquity) ; Dumbarton Oaks collection of Byzantine coins ; HNO (Historia Nummorum Online, focusing on France and funded by the LaScArBx) ; HRC (Hellenistic Royal Coinages, based at the ANS) ; IACB (Iron Age coins in Britain, hosted by the Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford) ; IGCH (Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards, open and accessible version of the IGCH 1973) ; John Max Wulfing Coin Collection (Washington University in St. Louis) ; MANTIS (the ANS collections database) ; MK-B (online catalog to the collections of the Münzkabinett Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, one of the largest numismatic collections in the world) ; MK-TUE (digital coin cabinet of the Institute of Classical Archaeology, EKU Tübingen) ; NUMiD and NUMiD coin cabinet (joint network of numismatic collections held in Germany's universities) ; Numismatic literature (ANS, 1947-2007) ; OCRE (Online Coins of the Roman Empire, from Augustus to Zeno, joint project of the ANS and the ISAW at New York University) ; OGC (Online Greek Coinage) ; PCO (Ptolemaic Coins Online) ; PELLA (coinage of the Macedonian kings) ; Portale Numismatico dello StatoRPC (Roman Provincial Coinage Online, University of Oxford) ; RRC (Roman Republican Coins in the British Museum) ; SCO (Seleucid Coins Online, based at the ANS) ; SNG (Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, a British Academy research project) ; Università di Parma, Museo di Archeologia : collezione numismatica ; and VCRC (Virtual Catalog of Roman Coins).

Accessible to the AAR community. For a complete overview on the AAR Library’s subscription, see below.

Papyrus Resources

Several sites on papyri, issued by various institutions: e.g., ADRA (Alexandrian documents from the reign of Augustus) ; APIS (Advanced Papyrological Information System) ; BerlPap (papyri at the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin) ; Bibliographie papyrologique ; the Bodmer Papyri ; Cairo Museum (a photographic archive of the papyri) ; CeDoPal (Centre de documentation de papyrologie littéraire) ; Chartes (online catalog of the Herculaneum papyri) ; CISPE (Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi) ; Coptic magical papyri (Universität Würzburg) ; CTP (Center for Tebtunis Papyri) ; D-Scribes ; DVCTVS (papyrology portal of Spain) ; Duke Papyrus Archive and the DDbDP (Duke Databank of Dokumentary Papyri) ; Forging Antiquity ; GPBC (Gazetteer of papyri in British collections) ; grammateus (on Greek documentary papyri from Egypt) ; Herculaneum Papyri ; Heidelberger Papyrussammlung ; the HGV (Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens) ; Kölner Papyri ; Macquarie Papyri ; ML (Magica Levantina) ; OPES (Oslo Papyri Electronic System) ; Organa Papyrologica ; Oxyrhynchus Online ; Oxyrhynchus papyri belonging to the Egypt Exploration Society and housed in the Sackler library at Oxford : database ; PapPal : the paleography of papyri ; ; The Papyrus Carlsberg Collection ; Papyrus Portal ; Papyrus Projekt Halle-Jena-Leipzig ; papyrus stories ; PATHs ("Tracking papyrus and parchment paths") ; platinum : towards a philological, literary and historical approach to Latin papyri ; PSIonline (Papiri della Società Italiana) ; PUG (collezione dei Papiri dell'Università di Genova) ; Sorbonne, Institut de papyrologie papyri ; TMmagic (thematic database hosted by Trismegistos : religious, ritual, magic, and divinatory texts) ; TPOP : Turin Papyrus Online Platform (Museo Egizio, Turin) ; Trismegistos ; University of Michigan Papyrus Colletion ; University of Warsaw, papyri held at the Department of Papyrology ; further links on the site of the American Society of Papyrologists.

Some of the entry articles are now available and searchable online.

Digital editions of the twelfth-century original: Richard Talbert’s Map Viewer, the Piggin Peutinger Diagram, and Omnes Viae.

Poetry, Greek & Latin : some resources

CARMEN (communal art — reconceptualising metrical epigraphy network) : on carmina latina epigraphica, the Latin poetry in the epigraphic tradition ; Greek song network : on archaic and classical lyric, elegiac, iambic poetry ; Hellenica : a digital archive of Greek poetry ; MAPPOLA : Mapping out the poetic landscape(s) of the Roman Empire ; Musisque Deoque : a digital archive of Latin poetry ; Pedecerto : digital Latin metre, a program for analysing of Latin verses ; [...]

The official searchable database of Prosopographia Imperii Romani, provided by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Prosopographical databases

The APR (Amici populi Romani) is a database for the prosopography of the foreign friends of the Romans (3rd c. BCE to 4th c. CE), offering also several specific prosopographical material.
Athenian Onomasticon : updates the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names II (1994) and Foreign Residents of Athens (1996).
Athenians Project : a prosopographical database on the persons of ancient Athens.
CPNRB : a database of the Celtic personal names of Roman Britain.
The primary objective of the DPRR (Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic, King’s College London; Prof. Mouritsen and Dr Robb) is to facilitate prosopographical research into the elite of the Roman Republic, its structure, scale and changes in composition over time. To that end a comprehensive, searchable database of all known members of the upper strata of Roman society has been established, which brings together information about individual careers, office holdings, personal status, life dates, and family relationships.
LGPN : Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, from the 8th century BC down to the late Roman republic, plus LGPN-Ling.
PBE I: Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire, 641-867.
PBW : Prosopography of the Byrantine World, 1025-1180.
PIR : Prosopographia Imperii Romani, the official website with searchable database provided by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
PMBZ : Prosopographie der Mittelbyzantinischen Zeit : a comprehensive biographical dictionary for the Byzantine Empire 641-1025 CE.
PPRET Inscriptions : Inscriptions pertaining to the Praetorian Praefects from 284 to 395 AD.
Roman Bastards Database : papyrological, epigraphic and legal evidence concerning illegitimate children in the Roman Empire up to the reign of Constantine the Great. Held at the University of Warsaw.
Romans 1by1 : on the population of Moesia Inferior, Moesia Superior, Dacia and some urban centers in Pannonia Superior.

The Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit (PMBZ) is a comprehensive biographical dictionary for the Byzantine Empire in the early medieval period (641–1025 AD) documenting more than twenty-one thousand persons. PMBZ Online is based on the print edition of the Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit (1998, 2013). PMBZ documents all persons mentioned either by name or anonymously in the relevant Byzantine and non-Byzantine sources, and secondly all persons mentioned in the Byzantine sources both from Western Europe and from the Arabic and Slavonic areas, together with those from the Christian East.

Research on fishing and fish-canning industry in Roman times. Database, useful links, and latest news.

Antiquitatum Thesaurus : antiquities  in European visual sources from the 17th to the 18th centuries ; antiquipop : antiquity, pop culture & politics ; APGDR (archive of performances of Greek and Latin drama : any period and any medium) ; “Ars Longa: An index of every classical reference ever!” is a database for classical references, allusions, and quotations in movies, theater, television, music, games, poetry, and more ; CRSN : classical reception studies network ; EOS (Africana receptions of ancient Greece & Rome) ; paizomen : a database of video-games set in Graeco-Roman antiquity ;

ReMeDHe is a working group for religion, medicine, disability, health, and healing in Late Antiquity. Scholars of late antique religion have become increasingly interested in topics of illness, injury, disease, disability, health, and healing, while historians of medicine are becoming increasingly aware of the overlap between medical, philosophical, and religious practices and ways of knowing. Thus this workgroup (events, bibliographies, various digital resources and more).

The Roman Bastards database holds all the papyrological, epigraphic and legal evidence concerning illegitimate children in the Roman Empire up to the reign of Constantine the Great. Held at the University of Warsaw.

The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, a research center at the University of California, Irvine, was founded in 1972 with the goal of creating a comprehensive digital collection of all surviving texts written in Greek from antiquity to present. By now, it has collected and digitized most texts written in Greek from Homer (eighth century BC) to the fall of Byzantium in 1453 AD and beyond. It contains more than 105 million words from over 12,000 works associated with 4,000 authors. It is constantly updated and improved with new features and texts. Access to the AAR community.

The Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) project began in 1894 and is scheduled to be completed around the year 2050. TLL is not only the largest Latin dictionary in the world, but also the first one to cover all the texts from the classical period up to about 600 AD. For more information on the ThLL, click here. In addition to owning the print version, AAR subscribed to the online database (issued by de Gruyter) that covers all of the content that is also available in print. The TLL open access provides PDF files of the print version.

ToposText is an indexed collection of ancient texts and mapped places relevant to the history and mythology of the ancient Greeks (issued by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation).

Accessible to the AAR community.

Writing & writing systems

Several resources on writing and writing systems in the ancient world : CREWS : Contexts and relations between early writing systems ; lexicity : an index for ancient language resources on the internet ; MNAMON : Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean ; VIEWS project : visual interactions in early writing systems (on the visual properties of writing systems, on interaction of visual and linguistic features ; on the ways in which people encounter and interact dynamically with writing) ; [...]


AATA online, managed by the Getty, is a free research database containing abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage.

ArcHerNet (Archaeological Heritage Network) is a consortium of leading German institutions working on the preservation of cultural heritage. Coordinated by the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). Check the website for current projects, conferences, publications, and useful links.

arches is an open-source software platform freely available for cultural-heritage organizations to independently deploy to help them manage their cultural-heritage data. arches is developed jointly by the Getty Conservation Institute and the World Monuments Fund. For more information, please visit the arches website.

Database on technical information on the distinct collection of terms, materials, techniques used in the fields of art conservation and historic preservation. Developed in 1997 at the MFA Boston.

Conservation & preservation & management of cultural heritage : institutes & organizations

American Institute of Conservation ; APT (Association for Preservation Technology International) ; CAC-ACCR (Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property = Association canadienne pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels) ; Canadian Conservation Institute ; CCQ (Centre de conservation Québec) ; Getty Conservation Institute ; HAWK Hornemann Institut ; Heritage Europe ; ICA Art Conservation ; ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) ; ICOM (International Council of Museums) ; ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) ; ICR (Istituto centrale per il restauro) ; IHBC (Institute of Historic Building Conservation) ; Museum SOS ; NPS (National Center for Preservation Technology and Training) ; WMF (World Monument Fund) [...]

CoOL : Conservation OnLine is a freely accessible platform to generate and disseminate resources for those working to preserve cultural heritage worldwide. Operated by the FAIC (Foundation for Advancement in Conservation).

On looting of archaeological sites, the theft of art and antiquities, and all sorts of crime and legal entanglement related to cultural objects. Run by Donna Yates. See also her blog "Anonymous Swiss Collector". 

Issued by the ICOM (International Council of Museums). The database compiles all the categories of cultural goods illustrated in the ICOM Red Lists of cultural objects at risk. A Red List is not a list of actual stolen objects ; the cultural goods depicted are inventoried objects within the collections of recognised institutions. They serve to illustrate the categories of cultural goods most vulnerable to illicit traffic.

Issued by the Library of Congress.

A website dedicated to cultural heritage lost forever, destroyed by human and natural activities including looting, vandalization, bombing, and else.

A database on materials and their application, containing 1394 different materials, natural and artificial, processed, composite and else, with all their technical, structural and chemical properties and their performance.

Paolo Emilio Mora (1921-1998) and Laura Sbordoni Mora (1923-2015) were remarkable figures in the field of cultural heritage conservation. 
In addition to their teaching and publication legacy, the Moras also gathered an important collection of material samples, held to this day at ICCROM headquarters in Rome. This collection comprises around 1200 material samples collected from heritage sites and monuments in at least 35 countries (wall paintings, ceramics, painted paper, textiles, stone, plaster, stucco, glass and more). 

Paolo Emilio Mora (1921–1998) and Laura Sbordoni Mora (1923–2015) were remarkable figures in the field of cultural heritage conservation. In addition to their teaching and publication legacy, the Moras also gathered an important collection of material samples, held to this day at ICCROM headquarters in Rome. This collection comprises around 1,200 material samples collected from heritage sites and monuments in at least 35 countries (wall paintings, ceramics, painted paper, textiles, stone, plaster, stucco, glass, and more).

A comprehensive list of open access resources, compiled by the ICCROM, for the following fields : Conservation-restoration ; architecture, built heritage & urbanism ; archaeology & geology ; museology, art & culture ; science, technique, biodiversity ; materials ; natural collection ; security, disaster, risk management ; landscape, garden ; environment, sustainability, tourism ; legislation ; training & education. 

A database on polymers used in conservation and restoration. Issued by the Fachhochschule Potsdam (University of Applied Sciences), Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung.

Trafficking Culture is a research consortium that produces evidence-based research into the contemporary global trade in looted cultural objects. The site provides access to several resources, among other the Encyclopedia (collected case studies), publications (including the Culture without Context newsletters, published by the IARC), and more.

This UNESCO database allows the following to be consulted (among other) : national laws currently in force to the protection of the cultural heritage ; contact details for the national authorities responsible for the protection of the cultural heritage ; addressed of the official national websites dedicated to the protection of the cultural heritage.


Accessible to the AAR community.

Accessible to the AAR community.

Accessible to the AAR community.

Digital Collections

The Digital Humanities Center (DHC) of the American Academy in Rome unites the Academy’s archival resources in one single search interface. The DHC contains thousands of descriptions (metadata) of archival objects and digital objects (photographs and digitized texs) from the Academy’s Institutional Archive, the Photographic Archive, the Archaeological Study Collection, the Regia and Cosa excavations, and other archival collections.

An interface for the Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis Project, on digitizing the medieval manuscript collections of the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collection Libraries (PACSCL).

One of the consequences of the Thirty Years’ War was that the most important collection of books in the seventeenth-century Holy Roman Empire, the Bibliotheca Palatina, was divided between two principal locations: Heidelberg and the Vatican. Since 2001, Heidelberg University Library has been working on several projects that aim to digitize parts of this great collection, the final goal being a complete virtual reconstruction of the “mother of all libraries.”

Digitized art books from the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art.

The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), operated by the Bielefeld University Library, is one of the world’s most voluminous search engines especially for academic open-access web resources. More and more repository servers come into being which use the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) for providing their contents. BASE collects, normalizes, and indexes these data. BASE provides more than seventy million documents from more than three thousand sources. You can access the full texts of about 70 percent of the indexed documents.

The BSR (British School at Rome) has digitized many of its valuable and unique collections (photographic archive, library, archive), among other, Thomas Ashby's photographic material, William Gell's notebooks, and more.

CORE : the world's largest collection of open access research papers provides unified search of repository content (over 208,929,220 papers around the world, all subjects, all types of documents).

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München. Over five thousand digitized twentieth-century monographs in humanities and social sciences.

The Digital Classicist is a hub for scholars and students interested in the application of humanities computing to research in the ancient and Byzantine worlds. This wiki collects guidelines and suggestions of major technical issues and catalogues digital projects and tools of relevance to classicists. The wiki also lists events, bibliographies, publications (print and electronic), and other developments in the field.

DLME (The Digital Library of the Middle East) offers free and open access resources on a wide range of topics regarding the history of the Middle East (on manuscripts, art and architecture, photographic collections and more).

The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is a United States–based project aimed at providing public access to digital holdings in order to create a large-scale public digital library. It is a discovery tool for public domain and openly licensed content held by American archives, libraries, museums, and other institutions. It was started by Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society in 2010.

Issued by the Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

DigiZeitschriften provides access to the archives of an important number of German scholarly journals, including in classical and medieval Studies, the arts, history, philology, and more.

Similar to the Directory of Open Access Journals, the Directory of Open Access Books provides access to books available in open access following OAI protocol for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH).


Amicus (Canada, containing theses as well) ; ArchaeologicalTraces (mainly prehistory) ; Art history dissertations from North American institutions ; CRL’s (Center for Research Libraries) online catalog for dissertations ; DART-Europe ; Dissertation express (to order dissertations from UMI) ; Durham University e-theses (full text to many, but not all) ; EthOS (the British Library’s e-theses online service) ; heiDOK (German universities) ; NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations); PQDT (open access dissertations at ProQuest); and (France).

Early European Books traces the history of printing in Europe from its origins through to the close of the seventeenth century, offering full-color, high-resolution facsimile images of rare and hard-to-access printed sources. In order to develop a collection from Europe in the early modern period, Early European Books is working in partnership with five national libraries to digitize their curated collections from this period. In Italy, access is free to the holdings of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze only.

Digital collections from countries in Europe.

For novels, poetry, and drama.

Over two million documents from the Bibliothèque nationale de France and other contributing French libraries.

Search the world’s most comprehensive index of full-text books.

Digital resources of many universities such as those of the UC system, U. of Michigan, etc., including the English Short Title Catalog and the incunabula collection of the Universidad Complutense, Madrid, among countless other resources.

The Historic Environment Image Resource (HEIR) contains digitized historic photographic images from all over the world, dating from the late nineteenth century onward. HEIR’s core images come from lantern slide and glass plate negatives held in college, library, museum, and departmental collections within the University of Oxford.

Italian Libraries and Institutions: Digital Collections

Internet Culturale: click here to access numerous digital collections of Italian libraries; Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana: click here to access the Hertziana’s digitized material and here for their rare books; Rome, Archivio Storico Capitoino: click here to access the immensly rich material of Rome’s archive; Rome, Archivio Centrale dello Stato: click here to access the databases; Rome, Sapienza: click here to access the digital collections. Vatican: click here to access the Vatican Library’s digitized collections.

The Italian Women Writers (IWW) project, issued by the University of Chicago Library, aims to preserve and provide access to an extensive corpus of literature written by Italian women authors (from the thirteenth century up to authors born in 1945), including the following types of works: anthologies, articles and essays, autobiographies, biographies, children's literature, devotional works, dialogues, diaries, dramas, epics, hagiographies, histories and chronicles, interviews and conversations, letters, memoirs, novels, operas, poems, reviews, short stories, and travel literature.

JSTOR offers a growing list of open access ebooks from respected presses, in various disciplines, such as archaeology, history, sociology, and more. More than five hundred titles are now freely available for anyone in the world to use.

The complete digital Loeb Classical Library is fully accessible via the Library’s subscription. More than 520 volumes of Latin and Greek texts with English translation are available in a modern and elegant interface, allowing readers to browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content with ease. Furthermore, the new Loeb editions are added twice a year. Additionally, the 275 public domain Loebs are freely available through this list of downLOEBable Loeb volumes.

More than 300,000 digital objects (manuscripts, historical documents, books, icons and other sacred heirlooms) preserved at Mont Athos.

OAI (Open Art Images) is a search and visualisation engine that groups on a single platform photographic reproductions of works of art (HD & free of rights) plus information necessary for their historical and cultural contextualization and retrieval. Art from all around the world and from every period. 

Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, the Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the internet.

Downloadable titles in Anatolian studies, Hittite, etc., from the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

The AAR Library’s subscription to the Oxford Reference Works covers various disciplines: The Oxford Companion to Archaeology and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology cover archaeology, The Oxford Classical Dictionary, The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization and to Classical Literature, the Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World, and Who’s Who in the Classical World cover classics.

For postclassical art and architecture, there are the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art, of Modern Design, and& of Architecture and Landscape Architecture; The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists, of Architecture, of Art, and of Art and Artists; further The Oxford Companion to the Garden, to the Photograph, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, and else.

For literature (including theater performance), there are, among others, reference works on world literature in general, on English-language literature in particular: The Oxford Companion to American Literature, to the American Theatre, to Theatre and Performance, to Shakespeare, to English Literature, to Modern Poetry, and to Classical Literature, The Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature, to American Literature, to English Literature, and to the Theatre; A Dictionary on Critical Theory, on Writers and their Works, of Literary Terms, of Plays, and of Science Fiction, and else.

History is covered by a wide range of topics, epochs, and geographic areas: The Oxford Companion to the United States History, to World War II, to Military History and to American Military History; An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age; The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium and of the Renaissance; A Dictionary of World History, of Contemporary World History, and of English Manuscript Terminology 1450–2000; Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment and of the Middle Ages, Who’s Who in the Twentieth Century, and else.

Religion and the history of religions are covered by The Oxford Companion to the Bible, to World Mythology; A Concise Companion to the Jewish Religion; The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, of Saints; The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, of World Religions; A Dictionary of Buddhism, of Hinduism, of Popes, of the Bible, of African Mythology, of Asian Mythology, of Celtic Mythology, of Creation Myths, of World Mythology, and of Superstitions; The Oxford Guide to People and Places of the Bible and The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation.

Philosophy is covered by The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, to the Mind, and to Consciousness, and The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. Furthermore, there are some reference works on social sciences and political sciences, also in a broader sense: The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics, and of World Place-Names; The Oxford Guide to the United States Government; A Dictionary of Critical Theory, of Ecology, of Economy, of Education, of Geography, and of Human Geography, of Sociology, and of the Social Sciences.

Music (including opera, musicals, and dance) is covered by The Oxford Companion to Music, to the American Musical; The Oxford Dictionary of Music and of Dance, A Dictionary of Opera Characters, The Grove Book of Opera Singers and of Operas,

Dictionaries and language reference: The Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary (English-Latin and Latin-English), The Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary (English-Italian and Italian-English) and also other languages. Furthermore, there are many reference works covering the English language (etymology, abbreviations, grammar, eponyms, rhyming, idioms, proverbs, phrase and fable, reference and allusion, word origins, foreign terms, slang, American usage and style, modern English usage, and scientific writing).

Pharos is an international consortium of fourteen European and North American art-historical photo archives committed to creating a digital research platform allowing for comprehensive consolidated access to photo archive images and their associated scholarly documentation. The collections collectively contain approximately 31 million images (works of art and architecture, the history of photography itself).

Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books.

RIDE is a review journal dedicated to digital editions and resources. It aims to direct attention to digital editions and to provide a forum in which expert peers criticize and discuss the efforts of digital editors in order to improve current practices and advance future developments.

... [Prima pars]: in quo tabulae et descriptiones omnium regionum (from the UCLA Library).

The Thomas J. Watson Library, the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s central research library, has over nine hundred thousand volumes. The Watson Library Digitization Initiative provides wider access to the library’s rare and unique materials.

Italian ebooks and ejournals in philosophy, social science, economics, sociology, pedagogy, linguistics, art, architecture, archaeology, music, comparative literature, classics, history, library science, and information science. Accessible to the AAR community.

The Universal Short Title Catalogue (USTC) is a collective database of all books published in Europe between the invention of printing and the end of the sixteenth century.

Compiled by the ICOM committee UMAC. The project results from the recognition that universities and, more generally, higher-education institutions, have museums, collections, and cultural heritage of scientific, artistic, and historical significance, yet many remain poorly known by their communities and the general public.

Offers full-text German-language publications in various disciplines.


Art history dissertations and abstracts from North American insitutions

DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia that work toward improving global access to European research theses and dissertations.

Dissonline provides access to over one hundred thousand dissertations, theses, and Habilitationen held by the German National Library, both in print and in electronic format.

The collection of some 18,000 German dissertations and school bulletins in the John Miller Burnam Classics Library at the University of Cincinnati is unique, both for its size and for its long time span from the 17th to the early 20th century. The material is not only of exceeding importance for present day research in classics, it also represents an irreplaceable set of documents for western intellectual history.

Doctoral dissertations published in Italy since 1995 are included in a special series of the Italian National Bibliography and can be searched in the OPAC of the National Central Library of Florence (using the filter TIPO DI MATERIALE=tesi di dottorato).

The Union Catalog of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), established in conjunction with OCLC, VTLS, Scirus, contains more than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations.

The Austrian dissertation database contains thousands of MA theses and dissertations, defended at Austrian universities and colleges, many of which are available online in full text. See also e-theses, issued by Universität Wien (browsable by subject and searchable).

A directory of Italian online dissertations. Content is still limited but growing.

Dissertations from Italian universities.

Websites for Dissertations

Amicus (Canada, containing theses as well) ; Apollo (University of Cambridge) ; ArchaeologicalTraces (mainly prehistory) ; Art history dissertations from North American Institutions ; CRL’s (Center for Research Libraries) online catalog for dissertationsDissertation Express (to order dissertations from UMI) ; DiVA (Stockholm University)  ; EthOS (The British Library’s etheses online service) ; heiDOK (theses and other documents) ; ideals (Illinois dissertations, classics) ; PQDT (open access dissertations at ProQuest) ; (France) ; UPSpace (University of Pretoria) [...]


Forty-two printed maps of the city of Rome in the collection of the Getty Research Institute. The maps depict the ancient, medieval, and modern city by graphic artists such as Etienne Du Pérac, Giuseppe Vasi, and Giovanni Battista Piranesi.

Joint efforts of the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, the Fondazione Gramsci, the Fondazione Basso, the Istituto Sturzo, and the Società gegografica italiana to create a digital archive for material regarding Italy’s history, politics, culture, and society in the twentieth century.

Accessible to the AAR community.

Emotions in history, history of emotions

Some sites and resources related to the study of emotions in history : ACCESS (Amsterdam Centre for Cross-Disciplinary Emotion and Sensory Studies) ; Centre for the History of Emotions at Queen Mary University of London (further links, events, news, blog) ; Centre for the History of Emotions at the Max Planck-Institut Berlin ; Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions at the Australian Research Council ; EMMA (Les émotions au moyen âge) ; [...]

Reference work in the field of Iranian Studies. Open access.

A forum for historians.

The ACLS History E-Book (HEB) Project provides access to a large number of important books in the field of history.

Accessible to the AAR community. For a complete overview on the library’s subscription, see above.

The PBE I Online edition presents the research output of the Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire project, 641–867 (King’s College London, 1989 to 2001). For the period between 1025 and 1180, click here to access the Prosopography of the Byzantine World database.

The Harvard Law School Library’s collection, containing (digitized) printed broadsides and pamphlets reflecting most of the major developments in the Roman Republic: an introduction of the semi-republican constitution, the Statuto Fondamentale, by Pope Pius IX in March 1848; notices of growing republican sentiment, Italian nationalism, and civil unrest in the spring and summer of 1848; documents from nascent republican institutions in the winter of 1848–49; the meeting of the Constituent Assembly and the proclamation of the Roman Republic in February 1849; the republican government’s efforts to establish its authority and initiate reforms, particularly in the law; the appointment of the Triumvirate in March 1849; the defense of Rome against French forces, April–June 1849; and the collapse of the Republic at the end of June 1849.

Travelers’ accounts and views (fifteenth to twentieth centuries) on places, monuments, and people in Southeastern Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Greece, Asia Minor, South Italy (Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation).

Mediaeval & Renaissance Studies

From Dana F. Sutton of the University of California, Irvine.

Archivio della Latinità Italiana del Medioevo (ALIM), translated as the Archive of the Italian Latinity of the Middle Ages, aims to provide free online access to all the Latin texts produced in Italy during the Middle Ages (eighth to fifteenth century). For several centuries, Latin represented the only language in which, in addition to historical documentation, many of the major creations of thought, science, and literature of the Middle Ages were expressed. Jointly run by several Italian universities (Verona, Naples [Suor Orsola Benincasa], Palermo, Ca’ Foscari in Venice, Siena-Arezzo).

“Virtual Humanistic Libraries in Tours”: large digitization project (manuscripts, facsimiles, books, archival material, and more) run by the Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance. Read a description of the project’s aims and goals.

Byzantine Epigrams

Byzantinische Epigrammatik (ÖAW) ; DBBE (Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams, hosted by Gent University) ; Pinakes (hosted by the IRHT); [...].

CoReMa : Cooking recipes of the Middle Ages provides, first, a collection of cookery manuscripts written from the 12th to 16th century, in German, French or Latin (approx. 80 volumes and about 8000 recipes), secondly, the critical edition (plus digital editing with digital enrichment) of these Medieval Latin, Middle French, and Early New High German recipes, making them accessible for scholarly use, allowing thus, thirdly, comparative and interdisciplinary study from various points of views (food history ; diets and medicine ; the migration of recipes, food items, or eating habits ; the historical and cultural development of national food habits and many more). 

From the UCLA Library. 

Searchable full-text database of commentaries on Dante’s Divine Comedy.

DBBE (The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams) is an ongoing project that makes available both textual and contextual data of book epigrams from medieval Greek manuscripts dating up to the 15th century. The site offers several other resources, too. Issued by the Universiteit Ghent. Open access. 

The Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations (DAMRC), edited by Michael McCormick, Leland Grigoli, Giovanni Zambotti, et al., makes freely available on the internet the best available materials for a GIS approach to mapping and spatial analysis of the Roman and medieval worlds.

The Digital Scriptorium is an image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research. The manuscripts of the AAR Library (a book of hours and a breviary) are included.

The digitized full-text of rare books in the Bibliotheca Hertziana collection.

Includes information from the Greek vitae and martyria of 119 saints of the eighth to tenth centuries, accounts of the translations of their relics, and collections of miracles, as well as notices from the Synaxarion of Constantinople (a tenth-century liturgical collection of brief hagiographical notices).

Accessible to the AAR community.

The Handschriftencensus provides an inventory of German medieval manuscripts. It contains information concerning more than 20,000 manuscripts preserved in more than 1,200 libraries and archives across the world.


EDF : Epigraphic database falsae : database of epigraphic forgeries produced across Italy from medieval to present times ; EDV : Epigraphic database vernacular : covering inscriptions produced in Italy between the 9th and the 15th centuries, both public and private.  

The International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages-Online (IEMA) is an en­tirely new English- language supplement to and update of the Lexikon des Mittelalters-Online, produced under the joint auspices of the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies and Brepols Publishers. Accessible to the AAR community.

Accessible to the AAR community.

The Italian Women Writers (IWW) project, issued by the University of Chicago Library, aims to preserve and provide access to an extensive corpus of literature written by Italian women authors (from the thirteenth century up to authors born in 1945), including the following types of works: anthologies, articles and essays, autobiographies, biographies, children's literature, devotional works, dialogues, diaries, dramas, epics, hagiographies, histories and chronicles, interviews and conversations, letters, memoirs, novels, operas, poems, reviews, short stories, and travel literature.

Iter is a not-for-profit research project created for the advancement of learning in the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400–1700) through the development of electronic resources. Accessible to the AAR community.

See also The International Encyclopedia for the Middle Ages-Online (IEMA), an entirely new supplement to the Lexikon des Mittelalters (LexMA). Accessible to the AAR community.

Manuscripts and Incunabula Resources

Álbum de copistas de manuscritos griegos en España ; Bibliotheca Medicea Laurenziana (Plutei collection and link to all collections) ; Biblissima (a virtual library of libraries) ; British Library manuscripts ; BVMM (Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux, issued by the IRHT Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes, CNRS France) ; CESG (Codices Electronici Sangallenses) ; CODEX: Inventario dei manoscritti medievali in Toscana ; Digital Scriptorium (consortium of libraries and museums) ; DigiVatLib (the treasures of the Vatican Library) ; diktyon (network of digital resources and databases on Greek manuscripts) ; Dutch collections, public and semi-public : Medieval manuscripts (libraries, museums, archives, monastic orders, private institutions) ; e-codices (Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland) ; ELM (Earlier Latin Manuscripts, founded on E.A. Lowe's Codices Latini Antiquiores) ; Fragmentarium : Laboratory for medieval manuscript fragments ; Hill Museum and Manuscript Library ; ISTC (Incunabula Short Title Catalog) ; Iter Italicum (online edition of P. O. Kristeller’s Iter Italicum, 1963–1992; AAR only) ; LC NUCMC (National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections) ; manuscripta mediaevalia ; ManusOnline (census of manuscripts held by Italian libraries) ; MBH (Manuscripta Bibliae Hebraicae) ; MDI (Manoscritti Datati d’Italia) ; Mount Athos Repository (largest collection of Greek manuscript codes in the world) ; Pinakes (on Greek manuscripts, IRHT) ; pyle: a gateway to Greek manuscripts ; Schoeneberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (University of Pennsylvania Libraries, click here to access the database) ; St. Gall and Reichenau manuscripts ; UCLA digital collections (Bound Manuscript Collection, Hathaway Manuscripts, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, St. Gall manuscripts) ; Vatican Library (click here to access the digitized manuscripts and here to access the digitized incunabula) ; vHMML (issued by the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library).

Medieval Studies : collections

Some collections of resources for the study of the Middle Ages : De re militari : The society for medieval military history ; Fordham medieval digital projects ; The Labyrinth : resources for medieval studies ; ; MDR : Medieval digital resources (curated by the Medieval Academy of America) ; [...]

Women’s religious communities from 400 to 1600 CE.

The official Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) site. The MGH volumes are (will be) digitized (open access, with moving wall).

Archives, bibliographies, and primary and secondary texts on the Italian Renaissance.

Accessible to the AAR community. For a complete overview on the AAR’s subscription, covering, for example, reference works on Byzantium, the Middle Ages and the Renaissaince, see above.

The Princeton Dante Project includes the full edition of Petrocchi’s text of the poem; a vew verse translation of the poem; texts of all the minor works (with translation); recitation of the poem in Italian; historical and interpretive notes; and direct links to the Dartmouth Dante Project as well as to other relevant Dante sites.

The Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit (PMBZ) is a comprehensive biographical dictionary for the Byzantine Empire in the early medieval period (641–1025 AD) documenting more than twenty-one thousand persons. PMBZ Online is based on the print edition of the Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit (1998, 2013). PMBZ documents all persons mentioned either by name or anonymously in the relevant Byzantine and non-Byzantine sources, and secondly all persons mentioned in the Byzantine sources both from Western Europe and from the Arabic and Slavonic areas, together with those from the Christian East.

Linking Evidence: A Digital Approach to Medieval and Early Renaissance Rome, c. 1140–1430 is a hypertextual online multiple database linking different evidences or sources, including descriptions of the city of Rome, inscriptions associated with monuments and works of art, and images attesting to the appearance of these monuments (either actual or imaginative) and to their transformation across the centuries. The descriptions of the different writers are also visualized through maps, where each monument is linked to related images and texts.


Accessible to the AAR community.

Accessible to the AAR community.

DRAM is a scholarly resource of recordings, including CD-quality audio, liner notes, and essays from New World, Composers Recordings (formerly Composers Recordings Inc./CRI), and other important labels. The touchstone of the DRAM collection is the diverse catalogue of American music represented by the New World records and CRI labels, merged in 2007. From folk to opera, Native American to jazz, nineteenth-century classical to early rock, musical theater, contemporary, electronic, and beyond, New World has served composers, artists, students, and the general public since 1975. DRAM also includes music from a growing number of recoding labels and archives. More than four thousand albums’ worth of recordings from a distinctive set of forty-two independent labels and archives are available; new contents is continuously added.

A database for music scores, recordings, composers, searchable for instruments, composers, epochs, performers and many more. 

MOISA: International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and Its Cultural Heritage provides information on meetings and conferences, seminars, bibliography, and more.

Accessible to the AAR community.

A collection of Latin texts on music, from the third to seventeenth century. Run by the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University.

Accessible to the AAR community.

Philosophy & Religious Studies

An index of Biblical quotations in early Christian literature. Provides also additional Patristic tools. Issued by the Sources Chrétiennes - HiSoMa in Lyon. Open access. 

The Cult of Saints is a major five-year project, based at the Faculty of History at the University of Oxford and directed by Bryan Ward-Perkins. It will investigate the origins and development of the cult of Christian saints. Central to the project is a searchable database, on which all the evidence for the cult of saints will be collected, presented (in its original languages and English translation), and succinctly discussed, whether in Armenian, Coptic, Georgian, Greek, Latin, or Syriac. Toward the end of the project, this database will be made freely available online. As to date, the site contains useful information and links in this research field.

The Database of Religious History (DRH) aims to be the world’s first comprehensive, online quantitative and qualitative encyclopedia of religious and social history. For more information, visit the FAQ page.

The Leon Levy Dead Scea Scrolls Digital Library offers access to the scroll fragments.

Accessible to the AAR community.

Accessible to the AAR community.

The DPhA is devoted to philosophers and important witnesses of the Greek and Roman philosophical tradition, from the Presocratics of the 6th century BC to the late Neoplatonists of the 6th century AD. The articles, prepared by French and foreign scholars, make use not only of literary sources, but also of inscriptions and papyri. In total, 236 editors from 20 different countries have contributed to this unique and large-scale enterprise, which started its first  printed volume in 1989 and consists of seven volumes -- including a fifth volume in two parts -- and a supplement. AAR only.

Discovering sacred texts provides access to the richness and diversity of the texts from some of the world's greatest faiths (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and more). Issued by the British Library.

This is the online version of the Dumbarton Oaks Hagiography Database, originally released in 1998 as a set of floppy disks. The database has two sections: the introduction (containing general information about the project, and bio-bibliographical introductions to each of the saints of the eighth to tenth centuries); and the database itself which in turn is divided into three sections (Saints’ list; Authors’ list; search citations). The Greek texts may be accessed through the Saints' list (entire texts) or search citations (partial texts). Please note that the interface for this database is under development.

e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha is a comprehensive bibliography of Christian apocrypha research, assembled and maintained by members of the North American Society for the Study of Christian Apocryphal Literature (NASSCAL).

Early Christians resources

Several resources related to Early Christianity: Fourth-century Christianity ; Migration of faith : clerical exile in late antiquity ; PTA : Patristic Text Archive ; TARA : Teaching and research archive for the history of Christianity ; [...]

An online encyclopedia on mythology (Greek, Roman, Etruscan, but also Norse and more), folklore and legends. Open access. 

HUNAYNNET : Transmission of classical scientific and philosophical literature from Greek into Syriac and Arabic : attemps at compiling a trilingual annotated parallel corpus of Greek classical scientific and philosophical literature and the Syriac and Arabic translations thereof. Hosted at the ÖAW (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Austrian Academy of Sciences). 

Peer reviewed, founded in 1995, aiming to provide detailed scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of academic philosophy. Free access. The staff of thirty editors and approximately three hundred authors hold doctorate degrees and are professors at universities around the world.

International bibliography of theology and religious studies.

On Greek mytthology, a collaboration between researchers and students in Australia and the United States. 

Accessible to the AAR community.

Accessible to the AAR community.

Accessible to the AAR community.

An open access archive of ancient Christian texts. Issued by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 

Collection of sources and resources (editions, bibliographies, and more) regarding ancient philosophy, from the Presocratics to the sixth century CE. Issued by the Centre Jean Pépin, France.

CGRN : Collection of Greek Ritual Norms : a collection of inscriptions with normative character relating to ancient Greek ritual.

The SAMR was founded to foster the interdisciplinary study of the religions of the ancient Mediterranean basin, especially the interaction of the multiple polytheistic religions with each other and with the emerging monotheistic religions of the region. It aims to bring together scholars of Near Eastern studies, Classics, Huistory of Religion and other related fields and provides information on events, conferences, resources and more. 

Resources for the study of the Septuagint and old Greek translations of the Hebrew scriptures.

On Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art. Provides comprehensive information on the gods, spirits, fabulous creatures and heroes. 

The Votives Project is a network of people from different backgrounds who study, create, or use votive offerings or other related ways of communicating with the divine. It aims to facilitate dialogue between academic disciplines, and between academics and religious “practitioners,” and in doing so to develop rich cross-cultural and multiperiod understandings of votive material and contexts.

Filosofia & studi religiosi

Accessible to the AAR community.

Postclassical Art & Architecture

From the Getty Research Institute. Over fifty architectural drawings and designs prepared for the conversion of the Villa Borghese into a museum.

A database of books on architecture manuscripts and prints published in France, written in French or translated into French during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (general treatises, treatises on fortifications, collections of models, books of ornamentation, technical treatises, and more). Access to the works takes two forms: consultation in image, or downloading the text transcribed. Each entry consists of a bibliographical note and a scientific description. Each description is brought up to date regularly.

The University of Notre Dame's Architecture Library holds about 4,600 lantern slides, with European architecture as primary (but not only) focus. The photographs appear to have been taken in the time between 1870 and 1914, presenting a historical look at the sites, including many bystanders and artifacts which were intentionally or unintentionally part of the site.The images are thus of interest to a wider audience thnan architecture historians and students. 

Art history dissertations and abstracts from North American institutions.

Portal to resources in art history.

A virtual catalogue for art history.

Accessible to the AAR community. Artstor is a nonprofit organization committed to digital collection solutions for universities, museums, schools, and libraries worldwide. The ever-increasing digital library includes more than 1.9 million high-quality images for education and research from a wide variety of contributors around the world. Artstor has also developed a complete set of tools to catalog, manage, and distribute digital media collections.

A database issued by the Musée du Louvre that allows access to its collections of approximately thirty thousand objects.

The Getty Research Institute provides access to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and to the Répertoire international de la littérature de l’art (RILA) for no charge on its website. These citation databases, searchable together, cover material published between 1975 and 2007. For material published after 2007 see the International Bibliography of Art (IBA).

Digitized art books from the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art.

The BRCP's (Bosch Research and Conservation Project) site allows to explore Jheronimus Bosch's paintings in intimate detail and presents the research work of the BRCP. 

Access to digital catalogues of the British Museum’s collections such as, among others, Drawings by Rembrandt and His School and Russian Icons in the British Museum.

The Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance is an interdisciplinary research project centering on the classical tradition. The census’s database aims to register antique monuments known in the Renaissance together with the related Renaissance documents in form of texts and images.

The census collection of data—see above—has been extended by the antique monuments known to Johann Joachim Winckelmann and his contemporaries. The Corpus Winckelmann compiles the knowledge of antique works of art in the seventeenth and eighteenth century in both visual and written documentation, focusing on the writings of Winckelmann, the founder of classical archaeology and modern art history. Alongside approximately 9,500 quotations from Winckelmann, the database provides about 5,000 further document entries from the seventeenth and eighteenth century, which contain a total of about 2,700 monuments.

Archives of interviews with artists and architects.

An anthology of the codes, laws, and related documents that have created particular urban forms. Searchable archive.

International research on stained glass.

Open access to audio, video, images, and texts.

The Dictionary of Art Historians is a free, privately funded biographical dictionary of historians of Western art written and maintained by scholars for the benefit of the public.

The Digital Cicognara Library is an international initiative to recreate in digital form the remarkable private book collection of Count Leopoldo Cicognara (1767–1834). Cicognara’s collection of some five thousand early imprints still comprises the foundational literature of art and archaeology.

The Getty Research Portal is a search platform providing access to an extensive collection of digitized art history texts from a range of institutions. This multilingual and multicultural union catalog affords art historians and other researchers the ability to search and download complete digital copies of publications devoted to art, architecture, material culture, and related fields.

Accessible to the AAR community.

The Nolli Map Website presents the 1748 Nolli map of Rome as a dynamic, interactive, hands-on tool. The public now has access to cataloged information about the map in both written and graphical form. The map not only provides rich information, but it has the ability to be updated with new data over time to embrace expanding knowledge.

Created by the University Library of Heidelberg from their extensive collection of literature of the sixteenth through the early twentieth century. Heidelberg University Library provides digital full-text versions of selected works from its historical collections and makes them available on the internet at no charge.

Full-text access to many publications of the Metropolitan Museum of Art: “five decades of publications on art history, to read, download, and/or search for free.”

Accessible to the AAR community. For a complete overview on the library’s subscription see below.

Pharos is an international consortium of fourteen European and North American art-historical photo archives committed to creating a digital research platform allowing for comprehensive consolidated access to photo archive images and their associated scholarly documentation. The collections collectively contain approximately 31 million images (works of art and architecture, the history of photography itself).

From the Getty Research Institute. This sketchbook of sixty-some leaves was created in the course of Sir William Gell’s research for the revised edition of Pompeiana (1832). Accompanied by extensive notes, his drawings in pen, ink, and watercolor show general views, architectural details, frescoes, mosaics, house plans, inscriptions, and objects from the site.

Structurae is a database for works of structural and civil engineering, but also contains many other works of importance or interest of the fields of architecture and public works. This site is mostly concerned with the structural aspects of the works documented here and the technical aspects of their construction and design. At the same time, Structurae takes into account the social, historic, and architectural context.

A digital catalog of Dumbarton Oaks' collection of Byzantine and early Islamic textiles, ranging from the 2nd to the 17th centuries, from Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indian subcontinent, and the Byzantine heartlands. 

Warburg Institute databases

To access the Warburg Institute Iconographic Database : click here and here to access the Warburg Institute's Photographic collection, begun by Aby Warburg in 1880, and including tens of thousands of photographs and slides organized iconographically. Click here to access the Bilderatlas Mnemosyne. 

The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassical, and Romantic periods (1100–1850).

Art Museums & Galleries

... Médailles et Antiques. 

Includes the National Museum of Damascus, the National Museum of Palmyra, the National Museum of Aleppo, the National Museum of as-suwayda, the National Museum of Deir ez-Zor, the National Museum of Tartus, the National Museum of Hama, the National Museum of Idlib, and the National Museum of Homs.

Ure Museum at the University of Reading. For the museum collections and further information, click here. For the searchable database click here

Access the databases of Cornell Collection of Antiquities. 

Includes manuscript paintings, textiles, ceramics, photography, contemporary art, resources from books and periodicals, archaeological objects, and many more. Collection items from Yale University, Yale University Art Gallery, Yale Center for British Art and the Lewis Walpole Library, Sterling Memorial Library, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Beinecke Library and many many more. 

... art from the ancient Mediterranean world, comprising over 13,000 objects.

Musei & gallerie d’arte

... and Atlas, a database of the Louvre's objects.

Searchable database of many digitized images from the collections of the Capitoline Museums.

... digital catalog of the museum's Aegean collections, plus the Digital Archive for the Aegean Collections: DBAS-ACF.

Access to Tate's collections, resources, images, reports and more.

Access to the Cleveland Museum of Art’s collection of Greek and Roman art.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art creates, organizes, and disseminates a broad range of digital images and data that document the rich history of the Museum, its collection, exhibitions, events, people, and activities. To access the enormous collections of the Met, click here. To learn more about its open access policy, click here.

... and click here to access the Kress Collection Digital Archive.


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