Color photograph of the head and shoulders of Adriana Maria Vazquez standing in front of an ancient Roman mosaic

Adriana Maria Vazquez

Andrew Heiskell/Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Rome Prize
September 6, 2021–July 22, 2022
Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, University of California, Los Angeles
Project title
Window Reception: Brazilian Neoclassical Poetry and Lusophone Classics Across the Atlantic
Project description

My project seeks to contribute to a burgeoning subfield in classical reception studies that searches beyond the boundaries of the Mediterranean into colonial and postcolonial contexts through an investigation of Lusophone vernacular reception of Latin poetry between Iberian metropole and colonial Brazil. The poetry of the Brazilian colonial period saw a return to a Greco-Roman bucolic literary aesthetic as an exploration of the condition of the colonized. The poets of the period, members of a literary society called the “Arcádia Ultramarina,” a transatlantic branch of the Accademia dell’Arcadia in Rome, explored questions of Brazilian national identity, the condition of the indigene, and the distinctions from the Iberian metropole in the literary and metaphorical space of the Atlantic Forest, engaged across time and space against the backdrop of antiquity. The project seeks to illuminate marginalized communities as overlooked receivers of antiquity negotiating the status of the colonized and disrupting a linear, continental tradition of antique reception.