Rochelle Feinstein
My work is primarily based in painting, drawing, and photography. However, in the last decade, works have also mutated into book form and digitally printed, room-scaled fabric. I think of all the projects as chronicles that I undertake in equal parts as a citizen and an artist; listening and looking for elements needing comprehension; drawn from politics, personal entanglements, economic downturns, and the commonplace. As a painter, form anchors my work as a tool, a rule, and a convention. My project Color Therapy (working title), takes its cue from this commonly used “alt-healing” umbrella term lacking in specific meanings while it conferring expectations. Color, while intrinsic to my practice as a painter, is it equally experienced as condition of identity and social organization.
My study in Rome will focus on the hand-drawn and printed maps of Italy dating from the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries. These purposeful documents were produced as much by the subjectivities of their time as they were governed by political, practical, and technical capacities. My purpose for the coming year is to find insights from historical documents and move them forward into to this moment of polarized transnational migrations, mapped as much by subjective imaginations as by Google Earth. I will generate new work in old media and new and seek out collaborative conversations with others as I moving toward the goal of creating a document of places, Color Therapy (working title), in book form.