Thaïsa Way

Thaïsa Way

Garden Club of America Rome Prize
January 18–July 18, 2016
Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Washington
Project title
Drawing Histories of Landscape Architecture
Project description

Recently scholars have turned their attention to landscapes and gardens to discover new and redescribe relationships between practice, technology, and theory. Landscape architects draw to consider, create, communicate, and argue. Historians rely on words, they write to think, create, convey, and argue. Drawing is an object of interest to the historian, while the historic narrative shapes how the drawing is read. As a landscape historian, I propose to explore how these distinct practices, and methods of investigation, intersect to (re)frame narratives of the history of landscape architecture. I will immerse myself in the drawings of AAR Fellows and in the act of drawing. Drawing as a means of reading design; reading drawing as a means of research. By projects completion, I intend to drafted manuscript on the role of drawing to challenge contemporary narratives of landscape architectural history alongside a series of exploratory sketchbooks that engage drawing histories.