2016 SOF Bard Musical Festival Reception

2016 SOF Bard Musical Festival reception

The Society of Fellows invite you to join a complimentary special event at Bard College on August 12, 2016, during the Bard Summer Music Festival. This year’s program concentrates on Italian music, past and present. The performance following the reception, developed by Anna Celenza, is “Futurism, Popular Culture, and Technology.” The complete Festival calendar can be accessed at http://fishercenter.bard.edu/bmf/. Refreshments will be provided by Mona Talbott, now of Talbott and Arding in Hudson, New York.

Friday, August 12, 4:00–6:00 pm
Ward Manor Lounge and Patio (across from the Fisher Center Concert Hall)
Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

Total capacity is limited to fifty people.