Francesco Lovino

Francesco Lovino

Italian Fellow in Medieval Studies
February 18–July 1, 2019
Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Masaryk University, Brno
Project title
Byzantine Imagery and the Modern Beholder: The 1905 Esposizione di arte italo-bizantina at Grottaferrata
Project description

After centuries of disinterest and indifference, at the beginning of the twentieth century Byzantine artifacts rapidly came to the attention of collectors: “their abstract qualities accorded with the taste of the time, and they were relatively inexpensive” (Elizabeth Jeffreys). As a consequence of this revival, exhibitions dedicated to Byzantine art begun to be organized. Francesco Lovino’s project thus aims to investigate the Esposizione di arte italo-bizantina, the first international exhibition specifically dedicated to Byzantine art, its curatorial conception, and its reception among scholars and a popular audience.