Claire Lyons
A specialist in pre-Roman Italy, Etruria, and Magna Graecia, Claire Lyons is curator in the Department of Antiquities at the J. Paul Getty Museum, where she has worked since 1985. Her curatorial projects—which center on the afterlife of antiquity in the visual arts and culture, the history of collecting, and antiquities in social contexts, both ancient and modern—include Sicily: Art and Invention between Greece and Rome (2013), organized with Alexandra Sofroniew, and The Aztec Pantheon and Art of Empire (2010), curated with John Puhl.
Lyons wrote a study of the early cemeteries at Morgantina in Sicily and has coedited volumes on Greek colonialism and on gender and sexuality in Greek and Roman art. Among her books as coeditor are Naked Truths: Women, Sexuality, and Gender in Classical Art and Archaeology (2000) and The Archaeology of Colonialism (2002).
At AAR she will complete a catalogue of the Getty’s significant collection of Etruscan and Italic art, spanning the ninth to the first century BCE and covering all media. Two focus articles are emerging from that project—one on the iconography of Aithiopians in Etruscan and Greek art, and another on imagery of the solar divinity Usil, for a forthcoming issue of Mediterranea. “With time to revisit the iconic Hellenistic sculpture of a Lion Attacking a Horse in the exedra of the Capitoline Museums,” Lyons said, “I expect to make good progress on an article that considers the iconography of feline-equine combat.” She will also visit smaller regional museums to see Etruscan objects on display.